Solutions Details

Inert Gas Based Suppression System

An Inert Gas-Based Suppression System is a type of gas-based fire suppression system that uses inert gases such as argon, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide to extinguish or control fires. The system is typically used in areas where water-based systems are not suitable or could cause damage, such as data centers, server rooms, archives, and museums.

The system typically consists of a storage container that holds the inert gas, a piping system that distributes the gas, and nozzles that release the gas into the protected area. The system is activated by a fire detection system, which signals a control panel to release the gas into the protected area.

When the inert gas is released, it works by reducing the oxygen concentration in the protected area, which helps to extinguish the fire. Because the gas is inert, it does not leave any residue, making it an ideal solution for protecting sensitive equipment and valuables.


Inert gas-based suppression systems are often preferred over other gas-based suppression systems like halon because they are environmentally friendly and do not have any negative effects on the ozone layer.

Proper installation, testing, and maintenance of inert gas-based suppression systems are critical to ensure their reliability and effectiveness. Regular inspections, testing, and repairs can help identify and address any issues that may impact the system's performance in the event of a fire. The system must also comply with local building codes and regulations, which often include requirements for backflow prevention and regular testing.